BP. sweater, Gap skirt, Calvin Klein heels, Printemps scarf, Anthropologie clutch, Mac ‘Snob’ lipstick
Every so often a customer service interaction stays with me. For better or worse, it’s this lasting impression I dwell on for a few days. Yesterday, it was a Starbucks barista. We went to nearby outlets and got there just before stores opened. So we popped into the completely jam-packed cafe for a quick fuel. Stepping up to order, the older gentleman behind the counter complimented my smile. I can’t even recall that I was smiling before he said that, but I certainly was afterwards. While ringing up our drinks he asked about our day plans then told us of some upcoming travels on his calendar: Starbucks is his added part-time work that makes their family trips to Disney possible. In forty-five seconds he made us feel like the only customers in the whole place. Yes, as a bonus, our drinks were correct and names spelled right. But more than that it was this engaging moment that felt far beyond the norm. He could’ve shoved us along to the next venti-half-caff-cappuccino-with-whip; but instead, we got conversation and coffee. So I’m starting my week remembering that small touch points go a long way. Also, I’m finding myself really torn between wanting to get cozy in layers versus clinging to summer. Since the nights are getting chillier, I’m keeping this not-too-heavy pink sweater as my go to layer.