Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair c/o + Burt’s Bees pajamas on Colton
At Colton’s four month check-up I was surprised when his pediatrician told us to start solids. In my head that wasn’t a ‘thing’ until six months. But apparently this boy was raring to go and ready for those extra calories. She gave us direction to first simply sit him at the table with us. More than just teaching him how to take a spoon, we were sharing a social experience. As he observed our behavior and interactions, he’d gain interest in eating as well as an understanding of mealtime. But when the time came to find Colton a high chair, it was slim pickings. No doubt there are hundreds of options out there. However, they all kept baby far removed from the table and had a very short usefulness lifespan. That is, until we found Stokke Tripp Trapp.
The philosophy behind Stokke Tripp Trapp matched perfectly with our pediatrician’s approach. It’s all about bringing baby closer to the table. With a sleek design and no tray, Colton can scoot right up to our table and join in the feasting. Even more than that, it’s a long-term investment piece. The unique construction allows it to go from infant to adolescent. In solid oak I adore their aesthetic that beautifully fits in with the rest of our home. As shown in this post, we can easily move our little nugget man into any room for quick snacks or activities. He sat right beside our gingerbread house building party last weekend (with fingers just out of reach, of course).
And, in the spirit of good news, Colton hasn’t met a food he doesn’t love. I’m crossing my fingers for a non-picky eater his whole life long. When did you start your kids on solids? Any tips for continuing to introduce new foods?
shop this Stokke Tripp Trapp post
Thank you to Stokke for partnering with us on this post.