E and I had quite a few picnics in our dating years. At times it was formal and well thought out (i.e. blanket and basket); on other occasions it was more impromptu (think grubby beach towel and take-out). But no matter what they looked like, those chances to get in nature and enjoy good food were priceless. So today we’ve teamed up with Boston Interiors to share our insight into what makes the perfect summer picnic.
Convenience is key when it comes to the menu. I stick to foods that don’t require utensils. So pre-made sandwiches, a charcuterie platter, and bite-sized sweets are best. That way guests won’t have to hunch over with forks + knives. Plus the added win is that your cleanup time gets cut in half.
Now for the drinks: when it comes to al fresco dining, nothing beats a crisp white wine sangria. But living in a state that’s not open carry limits our options for alcohol at picnics. As a substitute, I opt for sparkling flavored water with citrus slice garnishes. It looks elegant, offers those refreshing bubbles, and complements every menu.
From past experience, I know that being underprepared in the serving department is a major frustration. So I’ve gotten adamant about planning my dishes before we head out. And even though it’s mildly embarrassing to admit, sometimes I’ll put sticky notes on the serving dishes (Type A, much?). That way it’s all easily laid out in an efficient and appealing spread.
Typically this looks like a mix of bowls + plates for the food items, a pitcher + glasses for the drinks, and a durable blanket as the focal point. All packed together in one straw basket means the outing is ready to start.
Picnic location all comes down to personal preference. But we’ve tested quite a few and here’s our verdict: rocky is best. In general we’ve found that grass gets buggier a whole lot faster and beaches are…well…sandy (go figure). It’s our favorite to be on the water but not totally immersed in beach vibes. With that said, if we’re more in the mood for playing games or kicking a soccer ball around, grass takes priority.
Is there anything else you’d add to the perfect summer picnic?
in this post from Boston Interiors c/o: basket // blanket // pitcher // dinnerware // platter