Raison d’Etre jacket (old, like this), H&M zippie, Gap tee, Luxe Essentials maternity jeans, Old Navy loafers (like these)
I’ve made my first foray into maternity jeans. And I’ll tell you it’s a very strange phenomenon (the lack of waistline feels like I’m an overfed Grandpa on Thanksgiving night). Although I’m not at the point of needing them just yet, this embroidered denim was on super sale and too good to pass up. The detailing gave them a chic upgrade that pleasantly changed my mind a bit about what to expect going forward. But I find myself still battling the fit a bit considering my height (5’10). Thus I’ve started a hunt for tall maternity pants and would love if you have any insight/experience with that (feel free to comment below, please).
p.s. Here’s a true story that happened over the weekend: when asked by a stranger how far along I was (22 weeks) they replied, “Are you sure? Is the baby growing?” Let me just say that’s not a helpful question for a first-time pregnant woman who just so happens to currently lack a bump. It may induce late-night Google holes leading nowhere good about potential problems!