Raison d’Etre jacket, Brass dress c/o, Greylin skirt, Steve Madden boots, Mac ‘D is for Daring’ lipstick
Somehow, holiday weeks always feel longer than normal. Having Monday off didn’t make Friday come any faster. But now that it’s here, I’m wishing we could relive our brunch from last weekend. The Langham Hotel in Boston invited us to their unbelievable feast on Sunday. And where E is concerned, free food and live music is like Christmas and his birthday all rolled into one. We had to pace ourselves through the plates because they offer just about everything under the brunch sun (we’re talking lobster omelets, blintzes, pasta made-to-order, even sushi). Originally, I planned to wear this dress solo but the morning was just chilly enough to need an extra layer. Instead of scrapping the outfit and starting again, I slipped this checkered skirt underneath for added warmth and a little length.
This weekend we’re going to the theater, planning another fall excursion, and visiting friends. I also can’t wait to share a campaign collaboration next week! More to come.