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people i admire: women online

DSC_0043_edited-1There are a few sites I check daily. Besides reading the news and trolling overnight emails, part of my morning routine has become a visit to these same online spots. It’s almost muscle memory by this point to tab-open my way to each one as I sit, drinking my vanilla protein shake, perched on a stool at our kitchen counter.

I’ve never actually met any of these women. That’s something I find strange, sad, and yet incredibly wonderful all in the same moment. They’ve created a unique space in my life that provides inspiration, wisdom, eye candy, and some full-on belly laughs. On days when I feel overwhelmed or totally incompetent I find camaraderie in their experiences and dedication. So today I want to share with you those five women online who’ve offered me some beauty far beyond what they may ever know.

Anna Liesemeyer - In Honor of Design

Meet Anna Liesemeyer. Mother of four, southern sweetheart, beauty buff, and blogger at In Honor of Design. There is so much refreshing honesty and genuine loveliness in these pages. Every post carries with it her genuine tone of voice and complete relateability. How her home looks beautiful, table gets set, and all four kids get dressed I don’t think I’ll ever understand. But she keeps her faith front and center, clothes always stylish, and collaborations exciting. I’ve learned a great deal from Anna in extending grace to everyday situations while always managing to locate that silver lining.

Emily Schuman - Cupcakes & Cashmere

Meet Emily Schuman. Fashion designer, unmatched hostess, home interiors guru, and founder of Cupcakes & Cashmere. As my first segue into the blogging world, Emily holds a special place for me. Over the past four years I’ve followed her, it’s been like seeing a great friend launch incredible success. And I don’t mean this in a stalker way. She’s just got that whole #girlboss capacity without the snarky edge. Whether style advice, recipe hunting, party inspiration, or beauty tutorials you’ve got a one site fits all in C&C. I may be so bold as to call her the Martha Stewart of our generation (without that pesky jail time).

Kate Arends - Wit & Delight

Meet Kate Arends. Content strategist, graphic designer, Snapchat aesthete, and writer at Wit & Delight. This may be the most perfectly named blog in existence. Because the two words that best sum up her web personality are exactly that: wit + delight. She’s got this eye for impeccable design that seems timeless and yet entirely on trend. Her dry sense of humor is always on point and I can’t get enough of those cheeky snaps. I’m wishing on the next genie I find that Kate can some day be my interior decorator. Until then, I’ll settle for blog updates and a feast of Instagram photos.

Sarah Dubbledam - Darling Magazine

Meet Sarah Dubbledam. Editor-in-chief, creative director, travel enthusiast, and author for Darling Magazine. As a former actress and model, Sarah has a heart for the representation of women in media. She beautifies the editorial world with untouched images and words that that speak truth into readers’ lives. She’s got eloquence up the wazoo and a fire in her belly for the Darling Movement. I have the utmost respect for her mission and consider it such a privilege to be an occasional contributor. Whether online or in print, this girl is one to know.

Naomi Davis - Love Taza

Meet Naomi Davis. Mother of three munchkins, New York City guru, smoothie aficionado, and blogger at Lova Taza. I think if the term ‘Superhero Mom’ were ever to be applied, Naomi takes the cake. She’s living life to the fullest in 700 sq. ft. of urban bliss, constantly encouraging the creativity of her kids, and offering humbly honest perspectives on life. The vibrant photos that accompany her approachable writings are a consistent bright spot. Personality and charisma exude from every post. No matter your age or stage of life, Love Taza is a world of inspiration.

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